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- Short: GIF anim Banner that trashes PCs (and supports Amiga!)
- Author: Chris Covell (ccovell@direct.ca)
- Uploader: Chris Covell
- Type: pix/anim
- Requires: Program that views GIF anims (Ibrowse, Voyager,etc)
- This is an animating GIF that trashes Windows. It is very simple, direct, and
- to-the-point: Windows is the worst OS on the face of the planet, yet millions
- of people continue to use it.
- I created the animation entirely in Deluxe Paint 5, in 16 colours, at 350x50,
- using a dynamically changing palette. If anybody wants me to send them the
- original ANIM file, then e-mail me.
- I then converted the individual frames to GIFs, and used WhirlGIF© to make the
- animating GIF. Only problem was, the file was around 67k! You see, there are
- differences between the IFF ANIM format and GIF-animations. WhirlGIF saves
- the 50 frames as 50 individual GIF files packed together, whereas ANIMs save
- the deltas -- or changes -- between frames, for a smaller file size. It's a
- good thing that WhirlGIF can also save the dynamically-changing palette for
- each frame! But 67k for a GIF anim is way too big! Sooo...
- I then used GifBuilder© on the Macintosh (Using SS) to make the GIF animation
- smaller. The program optimizes the GIF by saving the smallest rectangular
- portion where the changes are from the previous frame. This really cuts down
- on the file size! The stupid thing is that the GIF no longer has a dynamic
- palette; it uses the palette from the first frame. So that looked cruddy! I
- was forced to make the program re-map the frames to a 32-colour static palette
- in order for it to look "better".
- So, there it is. The final GIF is 28254 bytes big, has the right timing, and
- looks pretty good. The intermediate GIF is 67571 bytes big, has the wrong
- timing, but looks perfect. I'm uploading this GIF to AmiNet in the hopes that
- EVERYBODY will put it on EVERY web page that they possibly can! It's not to
- make me famous, or anything; I just want to spread the gospel about the power
- and enjoyment that is Amiga, and spit on the torture that is Windows!
- If people want me to make more of these banners, then all of you should e-mail
- me and I'll try to think of some more to make/animate. I hope you enjoy what
- I have here.
- Other things of mine which you should check out are:
- pix/boot/Win95BURN.lha ;My Windows'95 trasher. Burn, baby burn!!!
- pix/boot/Win95BURN.jpg ;A JPEG version of that pic.
- pix/boot/WinBURN24.lha ;A 24-bit IFF version of that pic.
- pix/wb/BeBoxWBs.lha ;Some pics of my WB using the BeIcons.
- pix/wb/JapanWB.lha ;A Japanese Workbench. ;-)
- pix/wb/HAMBrowse.lha ;A Pic showing how to browse the WWW in HAM!
- pix/icon/BeIcons_2.lha ;A set of NewIcons in the BeOS style! (and more!)
- gfx/aga/HUGEBench.lha ;Some monitor settings for a HUGE Workbench!
- And of course, my webpage at http://www.dsoe.com/zyx/covell/
- It has lots of stuff that you might enjoy exploring.
- See ya!
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 28254 28254 0.0% 09-Aug-97 11:17:52 AmiBanner.GIF
- 327 217 33.6% 09-Aug-97 12:57:02 AmiBanner.html
- 2965 1520 48.7% 09-Aug-97 21:47:56 AmiBanner.readme
- 67571 67571 0.0% 02-Aug-97 19:17:24 AmiBannerNoOp.GIF
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 99117 97562 1.5% 15-Aug-97 18:30:30 4 files